Seriously Ridiculous: Spider-Man 2099


In any form of media, whether it be from a show, movie, or video games, there will always be a character that's on the serious side. Usually they're not meant to be taken as a joke, but sometimes the things they do are so ridiculous that you can't help but laugh at them. This was originally going to be a list, I decided to turn this into a series since every character I can think of has so much going on for them. For the first post in the series, I'll go over Miguel O'Hara (AKA Spider-Man 2099) from Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.

Before he made his debut in Across the Spider-Verse, he was featured in the post credits of the first film, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. The post credit shows Miguel preparing to enter a different universe for the first time and lands on Earth-67, the universe of the Spider-Man 1967 series. I'll put the clip here in case if you haven't seen it.

The fact that Miguel is already pissed off at the Spider-Man accusing him of pointing at him is funny, but what makes it better are his movements of Miguel pointing at him a couple of times and hopping as he gets angrier. It's weird seeing him act like this after watching the sequel, but I think this moment is consistent with his character. 

Now on to the sequel, Across the Spider-Verse. Miguel has a bigger role in this movie since he's one of the main antagonists and he's the one managing a squad full of Spider-Men protecting the universe. 

After Gwen introduces Miles to the Spider-Society, he eventually meets Miguel. Miles tries to be friendly to him but Miguel doesn't like that and just violently chucks a trash can at him. This won't be the first time we see him act violently towards Miles as the second half of the movie is just him and the other Spider-Men going on a manhunt to chase Miles down.

The reason why he's doing this is because Miles wants to save his dad after learning that he will die saving a kid from The Spot's attack. He's told by Miguel that by saving him and breaking the canon event, his universe will be at risk (as we say with the other universe Miguel was at as well as Spider-Man India's). Miles is put into some kind of barrier jail but breaks free thanks to his bio-electricity. This is where Miguel's mental state starts to decline because look at this GIF!

He, a grown man who's probably twice Mile's age, starts crawling on all fours. I don't think I've ever seen a hero act this unhinged, especially towards a teenager. No wonder this GIF became a meme. Just look at it!

Then we have the infamous scene of Miguel choke slamming Miles on the train. Everything about their fight on the train was crazy. He's climbing on a train to the moon that's most likely moving fast as hell with ease chasing Miles like he was a lion after it's prey to saying stuff like "You were a mistake" or "You should never be Spider-Man" while he's already down.  It does make me wonder if he's somewhat jealous of Miles for being the only Spider-Man that's an anomaly who's universe didn't implode and having a supportive family that's alive (besides Uncle Aaron). I guess we'll never know until the sequel comes out.

The last scene that I'll bring up is when Miles was trying to go back into his universe. He was genuinely tweaking in this scene; crawling on all fours again with his arm blades out ripping that barrier thing Miles was on. You could tell the other characters didn't want to do anything with him as Peter B. Parker was looking back all shocked and confused, like he's never seen him act this way. After watching this movie, I was wondering how he's even considered a hero after doing all that stuff.

I'll wrap it up here. I really like Miguel's character in this movie and I want to check out his comic series, but I hope he isn't as insane as his movie counter part. Oscar Isaac really nailed his role and I hope to see what else he'll do in the sequel. Maybe once the Blu-ray for Across the Spider-Verse released, I'll update this post with higher quality screenshots and GIFs.


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